Something to Read When You're Bored

Crazy Vehicles
April 7, 2008, 8:52 am
Filed under: Neat Stuff | Tags: , ,

I keep coming across pictures of some pretty striking forms of transportation. Here are the three that made the strongest impression:

A crazy adaptation of an old green truck into a raft for cuban refugees – the barrels provide buoyancy and supposedly they’ve rigged it so the truck motor is powering a propeller.

In Pakistan they evidently love decorating tour vehicles with the most outlandishly ornate decorations conceivable. Apparently it started out with just a flourish here and there and then people started trying to outdo one another. This is the result:

And finally in Japan they have what are called ‘Decorata’ – trucks covered in chrome, neon lights, and anything else shiny and flashy they can find. Apparently this truck-decorating trend really took off after a 1970’s movie featuring a costumed truck driver who drove one of these crazy rigs all over Japan. These totally remind me of the Transformers movie.

(added 4/8/08):

I just found another example of a great crazy vehicle.  A farmer in China made this amphibious vehicle, it’s the same basic idea as those ride the ducks tour boat/trucks but a nice cozy size for family outings: